Open Access
EPJ Nonlinear Biomed Phys
Volume 1, Number 1, December 2013
Article Number 1
Number of page(s) 13
Published online 09 May 2013
  1. Information about the Physical Sciences Oncology Centers Network is available through the National Cancer Institute, Center for Strategic Scientific Initiatives. website at: [Google Scholar]
  2. Information about the Cancer Center Support Grant Guidelines and the Cancer Centers program. available at: [Google Scholar]
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  11. Information about the Survivor and Patient Advocacy Program at the American Association for Cancer Research. available at: [Google Scholar]
  12. Information about the Advocate Program at the American Association for Clinical Oncology. available at: [Google Scholar]
  13. Information about Komen Advocates in Science is available through Susan G. Komen for the Cure. website at: [Google Scholar]
  14. Information about the trainings offered by the Research Advocacy Network. available at: [Google Scholar]
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  32. Information about Faster Cures, The Center for Accelerating Medical Solutions, and their blog. available on the website: [Google Scholar]
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  41. Information about the National Breast Cancer Coalition’s 2020 deadline challenge can be gleaned from their website. [Google Scholar]
  42. ScienceDaily (Sep. 21, 2012): Information about Moon Shots program. available at the website: [Google Scholar]
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